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View a list of publications authored by faculty of the Herrmann Center for Innovative Catholic Education

  • Boyle, M and Huizar, P. (2019) Preparing Leaders of Faith-Based Schools: The Case for Both/And in Reforming Principal Preparation at the State Level: Perspectives on Policy Reform in Illinois (Hunt, E., Haller, A., Hood, L., and Kincaid, M., eds.) New York: Routledge.
  • Boyle, M. (2016) Introduction to the Focus Section: Preparing Leaders in Light of the Standards Journal of Catholic Education.
  • Boyle, M., Haller, A., and Hunt, E. (2016) The Leadership Challenge: Preparing and Developing Catholic School Principals. Journal of Catholic Education.
  • Boyle, M., Sullivan, D. and Peña, J. (2018) A Systems Approach to Developing Leadership Paths for Catholic Schools. A white paper produced by the Andrew M. Greeley Center for Catholic Education.
  • James, J.T. (2020). Catholic school educators as adaptive leaders: A structure for prophetic action in response to COVID-19. [Covid-19 Special Issue] Journal of Catholic Education.
  • James, J. T. (2016) A collaborative approach to a national leadership Momentum 48(1), 64-65.
  • James, J.T. (2009).  A research-based approach to the president-principal model: Problems, dynamics, and high-performance through administrative alignment. Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice. 12(3), 399-422.
  • James, J.T. (2007).  What is known from the research on the President-Principal model?  NCEA NOTES: A newsletter for Catholic schools [Research column], 40 (4), 15.
  • James, J.T. (Ed.). (2024) Governance and leadership: A sourcebook for practitioners. Washington DC: National Catholic Educational Association 
  • James, J.T. & Vercruysse, R.J. (Eds.) (2005).  Development of the president principal model in Catholic high schools.  Washington DC: National Catholic Educational Association 
  • James, J.T. (2005).  Issues of Catholic secondary school governance.  In Development of the president principal model in Catholic high schools (pp. 43- 55). Washington DC: National Catholic Educational Association 
Educating students with disabilities
  • Boyle, M. and Boazman, J. (2024) Unique and Unrepeatable: Teaching All God’s Children. Arlington, VA: National Catholic Education Association.
  • Boyle, M. J. (2020). To Act with Justice and Love Tenderly: Exploring the Church’s Call for Inclusion. Journal of Catholic Education, 23 (2).
  • Philippe, D., Hernandez-Melis, C., Fenning, P., Sears, K, Wesley, E., Lawrence, E., Boyle, M. (2017) A Content Analysis of Catholic School Written Discipline Policies. Journal of Catholic Education. DOI:10.15365/joce.2101022017
  • Boyle, M. J. (2017). Supporting students with disabilities in Catholic elementary and secondary schools: A Catholic higher education perspective. Update, 43(3), 14-15.
  • Boyle, M. and Hernandez, C. (2016) Investigating the Attitudes of Catholic School Principals towards the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities. Journal of Catholic Education.
  • Boyle, M. (2017) Ensuring a Place at the Table: Serving Students with Disabilities in Catholic Schools. Arlington, VA: National Catholic Education Association.
  • Boyle, M. and Bernards, P. (2017) Special Education in Catholic Schools: The Results of the National Benchmarking Survey 2017. Arlington, VA: National Catholic Education Association.
  • Boyle, M (2010) Response to intervention: A blueprint for Catholic schools. Washington, DC: National Catholic Education Association.
  • Boyle, M. and Bernards, P.  (2017) One Spirit, One Body: An Agenda for Serving Students with Disabilities in Catholic Schools. Arlington, VA: National Catholic Education Association.
  • Boyle, M. (April 2016) All are Welcome: Building the Capacity of Catholic Schools to meet the needs of Students with Disabilities.  Momentum.
  • Scanlan, Martin and Tichy, Karen. (2014). How Do Private Sector Schools Serve the Public Good by Fostering Inclusive Service Delivery Models, Theory into Practice, 53 (2), 149-157. 
Teacher education and preparation
  • Boyle, M. (2012) LES is More: Developing and Delivering Effective Professional Development to Faculty and Staff in Scholarly Essays on Catholic School Leadership (Robey, P. ed.) Washington, DC: National Catholic Education Association.
  • Moret, A. T., & O'Dwyer, R. R. (2020). A Spiritual Vision for Catholic Educator Prep in a Time of Disruption: A Reflective Essay. Journal of Catholic Education.
  • Tichy, Karen L. (1999). Perceptions of Faculty Members in Selected Catholic High Schools Regarding North Central Association School Improvement Models. Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice, 2(3), 295-311
Creating a sense of belonging
  • Boyle, M. and Morten, S. (2020) A Light unto My Path: A Model of Accompaniment for Fostering Mental Wellness. Arlington, VA: National Catholic Education Association
  • Moret, A. & Sasser, H. (2024, Spring). A Seat at the Table. Momentum, 18-19. 
  • James, J.T. (2021, October 18). A child should not be ‘the mere creature of the state’. Wall Street Journal 
  • James, J.T. (2009).  Research on bullying and “peer ecology”.  NCEA NOTES: A newsletter for Catholic schools [Research column], 42(3), 15.
Operational vitality
  • James, John T., Tichy, Karen L., et al. (2008). Developing a Predictive Metric to Assess School Viability. Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice, 11(1), 465-484.
  • James, J.T. (2021). Operational vitality provides an opportunity to engage a wider circle of people in the work of Catholic education. Momentum, Fall, 50-52
  • James, J.T. (2004).  Public relations in Catholic secondary schools: Nearly 40 years of continuous improvement.  Journal of School Public Relations, 25(1), 33-46.
  • James, J.T. (2015) Are we as smart as hotels that sell discounted rooms?. Momentum 46(1), 28-29.
  • James, J. T. (2007).  Changes in funding and governance of Catholic elementary education in the United States.  The British Journal of Religious Education, 29(3), 287-301
  • James, J.T. (2006).  What is the latest research on the viability of parish grade schools?  NCEA NOTES: A newsletter for Catholic schools [Research column], 40(2), 15.
  • James, J.T. (2004).  Collective bargaining in Catholic schools: What does governance have to do with it?  Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice, 8(2), 208-233. 
  • James, J.T. (2021). Operational vitality: A sourcebook for practitioners (standard 10).Washington DC: National Catholic Educational Association  
Catholic education
  • Boyle, M.; Donahue, G., Faber, Jones, F, Ray-Timoney, J., Tesche, B., and Uhl, T. "COVID Witness to Hope: Catholic Schools Respond to COVID-19" (2020). Feature Issue COVID-19 and Catholic Schools, Journal of Catholic Education.
  • Boyle, M. and Dosen, A. (2017).  Preparing Seminarians to Work with Catholic Schools: A Content Analysis of the Curriculum. Journal of Catholic Education.
  • Tichy, Karen L., (2004), 13 articles in Catholic Schools in the United States: An Encyclopedia, edited by Hunt, Thomas C., Joseph, Ellis A., and Nuzzi, Ronald J., Greenwood Press (Westport, CT).
  • Tichy, Karen L. (1997). The Role of Research in Catholic Education. Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice, 1(1), 5-7.
  • Tichy, Karen L. (1996). Three Self-Study Formats: Faculty Members’ Perceptions. NCA Quarterly, 70(3), 418-421.
  • James, J.T. (2021, February 11). The serious work for Catholic schools begins now. NCEATalk.
  • James, J.T. (2021). PK-12 and Catholic higher education are inexorably linked! Momentum, Winter, 14-17
  • James, J.T. & Rush, D. (2020) A reflection on the duality of control of Catholic higher education in the United States fifty years after the Land O’ Lakes statement.  Journal of Catholic Higher Education, v38 (2).
  • James, J.T. (2020) Montana provides the Supreme Court another chance to strike out Blaine Amendments. America Jan 27, 2020.
  • James, J.T. (2019) An historical review of the professional and distinctive formation for Catholic school educators in the United States. International Studies in Catholic Education DOI: 10.1080/19422539.2019.1691823
  • James, J.T. (2011).  The child is not a mere creature of the state.  Missouri Catholic Conference: Good News 29(8), 1-2.
  • James, J.T. (2008).  Catholic school’s impact on students’ Catholicism. NCEA NOTES: A newsletter for Catholic schools [Research column], 41(3), 15.
  • James, J.T. (2007).  How much does a private school student count?  A critical analysis of the athletic multiplier.  Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice, 10 (4), 409-432   
  • James, J.T. (2005).  Ignatian Pedagogy and Technology: The Possibilities and Limitations.  CTE Notebook. 8(1) 5-6.
  • James, J.T. (2004).  Notes from the guest editor.  Journal of School Public Relations, 25(1), 5-7.
  • James, J.T. (2003).  Saint Louis: Gateway to the west for Catholic education. Momentum 34(2), 12-16.
  • James, J.T. (2003).  School board meetings and spiritual growth can go together.  Momentum 34(1), 53-55.
  • James, J.T. (Ed.). (2024) Catholic school identity and mission: A sourcebook for practitioners. Washington DC: National Catholic Educational Association 
  • James, J.T. (Ed.). (2024) Faith formation for the Catholic school community: A sourcebook for practitioners. Washington DC: National Catholic Educational Association 
  • James, J.T. (2013).  Planning for growth and retrenchment: Catholic education in Saint Louis.  In T. Hunt & T.,Walch (Eds.). Urban Catholic  education: The best of times, the worst of times. (pp. 104-125)  New York: Lang Publishing
  • James, J.T. (2010).  Gateway City Catholicism.  In T. Hunt & Walch, T. (Eds.). Urban Catholic education: Tales of twelve American cities.  (pp.147-170). Notre Dame, IN: Alliance for Catholic Education Publishing
  • James, J.T. (2005).  Artistic leadership: personnel matters and the administrative team. In  Development of the president principal model in Catholic high schools (pp. 81- 93). Washington DC: National Catholic Educational Association 
  • James, J.T. (2004).  Administrative models.  In Hunt, T.C., Ellis, A.J., & Nuzzi, R.J. (Eds.), Catholic schools in the United States: An encyclopedia (pp. 20-22).  Westport, CT: Greenwood press 
  • James, J.T. (2004).  Darcy-Berube, Francoise.  In Hunt, T.C., Ellis, A.J., & Nuzzi, R.J. (Eds.), Catholic schools in the United States: An encyclopedia (pp. 210-211).  Westport, CT: Greenwood press 
  • James, J.T. (2004).  Gospel values.  In Hunt, T.C., Ellis, A.J., & Nuzzi, R.J. (Eds.), Catholic schools in the United States: An encyclopedia (pp. 323-325).  Westport, CT: Greenwood press 
  • James, J.T. (2004).  Holy Office, The Congregation of.  In Hunt, T.C., Ellis, A.J., & Nuzzi, R.J. (Eds.), Catholic schools in the United States: An encyclopedia (pp. 347-349).  Westport, CT: Greenwood press 
  • James, J.T. (2004).  Jurisdiction.  In Hunt, T.C., Ellis, A.J., & Nuzzi, R.J. (Eds.), Catholic schools in the United States: An encyclopedia (pp. 390-391).  Westport, CT: Greenwood press 
  • James, J.T. (2004).  Non-Catholic administrators.  In Hunt, T.C., Ellis, A.J., & Nuzzi, R.J. (Eds.), Catholic schools in the United States: An encyclopedia (pp. 481-483).  Westport, CT: Greenwood press 
  • James, J.T. (2004).  Pastors.  In Hunt, T.C., Ellis, A.J., & Nuzzi, R.J. (Eds.), Catholic schools in the United States: An encyclopedia (pp. 505-506).  Westport, CT: Greenwood press 
  • James, J.T. (2004).  Religion (of Catholic school students and teachers).  In Hunt, T.C., Ellis, A.J., & Nuzzi, R.J. (Eds.), Catholic schools in the United States: An encyclopedia (pp. 548-550).  Westport, CT: Greenwood press 
  • James, J.T. (2004).  School uniforms.  In Hunt, T.C., Ellis, A.J., & Nuzzi, R.J. (Eds.), Catholic schools in the United States: An encyclopedia (pp. 582-584).  Westport, CT: Greenwood press  

Our Legacy

A headshot of Virginia 'Ginny' Herrmann
Dr. Virginia “Ginny” Herrmann

The Herrmann Center for Innovative Catholic Education is made possible through the generosity of Dr. Virginia “Ginny” Herrmann. Dr. Herrmann went to Saint Louis University for undergraduate studies and medical school, graduating top of her class. She completed a fellowship at Harvard University in surgical nutrition, then rejoined SLU as a medical school faculty member. Dr. Herrmann wanted her legacy to support educational innovation for underserved populations and Catholic leadership and teacher education. 

Dr. Herrmann lived her life in service to others and was a “pioneer in the medical field.” In a time of very few women surgeons, “she paved a path for other women surgeons to pursue their individual careers as well as celebrated their successes with unwavering support.” She had a multitude of awards, and her achievements were not just milestones in her career but beacons of hope for countless women who followed in her footsteps. Beyond her professional accomplishments, Dr. Herrmann was known for her boundless kindness, love of animals, and was a dear friend. 

Even in her passing, Dr. Herrmann continues to give back to her community and her legacy of kindness endures. Her profound commitment to education and continuous learning will be honored through our ongoing dedication to teaching and learning in her memory.