Faculty Support
Are you looking for help with one of SLU's many academic technologies? We have online resources in addition to our staff of Academic Technologists.
Zoom - SLU's newest tool for online voice, video, or chat communication
Panopto is SLU's lecture capture and video software.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Consectetur, dicta, ullam. Eveniet esse culpa magni corrupti alias voluptatibus provident! Id at necessitatibus possimus obcaecati voluptatibus qui! Dignissimos, quia quaerat voluptates incidunt vel beatae, dolores officiis quod adipisci cupiditate! Eligendi quidem molestias atque officiis iure, beatae voluptates sit ipsam eaque. Nobis, obcaecati eius animi facilis, iste provident dolorem repellat, amet optio repudiandae enim quaerat consequatur.
- Lorem ipsum dolor.
- Deserunt, doloremque, impedit!
- Odio, ad, sunt!
- Quisquam, vel, maiores.
- Nostrum, incidunt, aperiam!
- Dignissimos, consequuntur, culpa.
- Quod sit, eius.
- Facere, rem magnam!
- Nam, neque molestiae.
- Iure maxime, ratione.
- Praesentium, error, velit.
- Optio autem, incidunt.
Tools to prevent cheating on online exams
SLU has installed Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor for Blackboard Learn. It is designed to enable a secure test taking environment in Blackboard. Students download the browser on Mac or PC and use it to log into Blackboard to take LockDown Browser enabled exams. The Respondus Monitor is an AI based Remote proctoring tool that leverages the LockDown Brower, the student’s webcam, and video analytics to monitor a student while taking the online exam and alert the instructor to possible issues.
The Respondus LockDown Browser tool within Blackboard comes with a built-in web site with all of the information you need to get started.
- Make sure the tool is enabled by going to Control Panel/Customization/Tool Availabilty
- Scroll down to Respondus LockDown Browser and make sure the first check box, for availabilty, is checked. If it isn't, check the box and click 'submit.'
- When the tool is available, navigate to Control Panel/Course Tools and scroll down to Respondus LockDown Browser and click.
- This will launch the Respondus LockDown Browser Dashboard. There are excellent training materials on this page including videos, tips for getting started and resources for best practices, including the very important test exam to make sure everything is working properly.
- On the lower right is a button that says 'Continue to LockDown Browser.' Clicking there will take you to a list of tests.
- From there, you can edit the settings for individual tests that have been deployed in your course to make them require LockDown Browser.
- Click here for a quick start guide for faculty from Respondus.
- Click below for a quick start guide for preparing a test in Respondus Lockdown Browser.
- It is highly recommended that faculty run at least one practice exam with Respondus LockDown Browser and/or Monitor before a live exam. This will help ensure that students' computers and webcams are working properly and any issues can be addressed in advance.
- Minimum system requirements:
Windows: 10, 8, 7
Mac: MacOS 10.15 to 10.12, OS X 10.11, OSX 10.10
iOS: 11.0+ (iPad only). Must have a compatible LMS integration. Details.
Memory: Windows: 75 MB permanent space on the hard drive
Mac: 120 MB permanent space on the hard drive
LockDown Browser is a client application that is installed to a local computer. Both
the Windows edition and the Mac edition of the browser are based on Chromium, Google's
open source framework. Students do NOT need Google's Chrome browser installed; nor
will this version affect a Chrome browser that's already installed.
Monitor requires student to have a web cam on their computer.
Additional Links for Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor
You can find an archived recording of a training session at the link below.
Here are some options for learning more about this software:
-- Respondus Monitor resources: https://web.respondus.com/he/monitor/resources/
-- LockDown Browser resources: https://web.respondus.com/he/lockdownbrowser/resources/
Review answers to the top questions instructors have about LockDown Browser & Respondus
Monitor: https://web.respondus.com/rapid-rollout-instructors/
Email helpdesk@slu.edu or call 314-977-4000 for support.
Updated 6/24/20 by TCR
Student information
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Laborum tempore voluptates deserunt, inventore quidem, facere commodi non impedit sunt consequuntur odit sint quia tenetur! Maiores velit vitae, tenetur amet nesciunt eveniet iure doloribus omnis molestias tempora at, esse quos fuga ut rerum odit dignissimos qui.
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Nihil quas delectus voluptatibus.
- Ratione commodi, dolorum consectetur aspernatur facere unde officia facilis nemo voluptatibus voluptatum!
- Totam eos numquam dolore, veniam iste aliquid error rem optio facere? Iusto.
- Deleniti sint quibusdam nobis placeat nulla numquam, ab dolorum nihil id aliquam!
- Veritatis quis omnis aspernatur aliquid accusamus, sed ea earum voluptas repellendus expedita.
- Consectetur eaque iusto corporis rerum adipisci nam eum perferendis recusandae dolore sunt.
Totam deserunt cupiditate quos soluta expedita quo placeat laudantium eaque, ipsa doloremque, numquam aliquam laboriosam quia odio? Consequatur labore dicta voluptate vero libero distinctio aspernatur laudantium aperiam, obcaecati tenetur delectus itaque sequi beatae voluptas, provident et magnam pariatur perspiciatis tempore consequuntur assumenda voluptatem ex dolorem.
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