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Marketing Students Launch Joint Project with Jesuit Peers in London

International marketing students travelled to London to kick-off the annual joint marketing project with students at Fordham University’s London campus. Students hold conversations with professional practitioners in the fields of international marketing and sustainability marketing, and they take part in real-life experiences at businesses and business-related entities.

This year’s project involves 18 students from SLU and five from Fordham who have committed to two weekend-long encounters — the first in London and the second in Madrid this November.

Marketing students in London

International marketing students spent a weekend in London collaborating with fellow Jesuit students at Fordham University's London campus. Together, they kicked-off the annual joint marketing project in which students meet with leading marketing professionals and take part in real-life experiences at businesses and other entities. 

Over the course of the weekend in London, students heard from distinguished guest speakers including Ignacio Ribeiro, former creative director for several high fashion firms, Alexandra Willard, strategic planning director from a cutting-edge automotive tech company and Serdar Paktin, cultural/political editor for various luxury magazines. Students also visited Wholefoods and the Museum of Brands and Packaging.

The weekend came to a close with a mini-hackathon, in which students discovered a set of business opportunities that they will elaborate upon at the second encounter in Madrid.

All activities were organized and proctored by Fordham’s Professor Ergem Senyuva Tohumcu (Sustainability Marketing) and SLU-Madrid’s Gonzalo Moreno, Ph.D. (International Marketing), together with Richard P. Salmi, S.J. (dean of the Fordham University London campus) and Dave Howden, Ph.D., (chair of the SLU-Madrid Business Department).

SLU-Madrid, and SLU-Madrid’s Department of Business in particular, would like to thank the Fordham London campus team for their generosity and warm hospitality.