Psychology Capstone Students Educate the Campus Community
Psychology capstone students at SLU-Madrid culminated a semester of research by presenting the results of their investigation into human emotions from four different angles: music, colors, emotional intelligence and social media.
An exercise in applying previous coursework to address real-world problems faced by the SLU-Madrid community, the capstone research project is a requirement for all students majoring in psychology.
“This year’s capstone was very engaging,” said Kimberly Kuster, a senior psychology student. “It was good to see that so many people participated. Learning more about emotions is always an interesting experience.”
Explore the Fall 2018 Capstone Projects
Social Media: Friend or Foe?
How often do you post on social media? Can you recall when and why you started using it? These are among the questions that guided capstone students in the analysis of the psychological impact of social media use. Focusing on travel, posting, interactions and general questions, the students educated the audience on the negative impact of problematic social media usage, including loneliness and depression.
Color Psychology
Colors surround us and affect our mindset, whether we realize it or not. Capstone students focused on the existing relationships between colors and mood, learning and marketing. Through a series of engaging activities, the group analyzed the emotional meaning people subjectively gave to colors, suggesting which colors they should surround themselves with to create an optimal study environment.
Emotional Intelligence
Capstone presenters guided their audience through questions such as:
- What is EQ?
- What are its benefits?
- How does it relate to personality?
As a result of an interactive activity, the students analyzed emotions picked by the audience in terms of emotional intelligence, stressing the importance of labeling emotions in order to manage them.
Help Yourself with Music
Have you ever wondered what kind of effect music has on you, and why certain people listen to a certain kind of music? This capstone group answered the audience’s questions about how our personalities, bodies and emotions relate to the music we listen to.