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Faculty Publishes Book on Jesus in the Qur'an


Dr. Carlos Segovia's (Humanities) most recent book, The Quranic Jesus offers a completely new interpretation of the figure of Jesus in the Qur'an through an analysis of the typology and plausible date of the Jesus texts contained in the Qur'an.

This implies moving far beyond both the habitual chronology of the Qur'an and the common thematic division of the passages in question.

Jesus in the Qur'an

Dr. Segovia book is already available under De Gruyter online shop.

He also examines the Qur'an's earliest Christology via-à-vis its radically monotheistic theology, and advances three major theses:

The overall argument of this book is that the qur'anic Jesus is the key to unravelling not only the intriguing beginnings, but also the fascinating development of the Qur'an's complex, multi-phased theology — and hence perhaps too the key to deciphering what the Qur'an is ultimately about.

The book will be released for publication in November 2018.