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An Ongoing Pursuit of Excellence: SLU-Madrid’s Annual Teaching Summit

Nine faculty and staff volunteers gathered to exchange ideas on the craft of teaching at SLU-Madrid’s fourth annual Teaching Summit. Alongside research and service activity, SLU-Madrid’s first mission is teaching. The summit concept is built around 10 to 20-minute presentations by faculty from across various academic disciplines and focuses on diverse topics of pedagogy.


Sulma Farfán, Ph.D., advisor of educational technology and assessment, delivers a presentation on learning styles as part of the fourth annual Teaching Summit. The topics covered in their year's event varied widely, from stimulating creativity in the classroom setting to broad, conceptual visions of the contemporary university experience. 

At this spring’s Teaching Summit, the presentations ranged from “big picture” conceptual accounts of the contemporary university to in-class techniques such as designing iterative goal-oriented activity in classrooms, the how and why of exams, and how to cut through distraction.  A central theme emerged regarding the tensions between open-expression and the cultivation of respect and equality in the classroom. In each case, faculty oscillated between theory and the complicated, embodied experience of delivering classes.

This year’s volunteer participants came from across campus and included Daniel Chornet, Ph.D., communication program director; Anne D. Dewey, Ph.D., English program director; Sulma Farfan, Ph.D., advisor of educational technology and assessment; Marjory Hutchison, Professor Emeritus of English and communication; Chiara Luis, Ph.D., professor of English and ESL; Fairouz Medjahed, Ph.D., director of information technology systems; Carlos Segovia, Ph.D., professor of philosophy; Rosana Vivar, Ph.D., professor of communication; and Brian M. Goss, Ph.D. Additional faculty in attendance took part by posing questions and offering comments, including Marta Moreno, Ph.D., professor of mathematics, who also photographed the event.