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SLU-Madrid Students Bring 18th-Century Comedy to Life

by Isaiah Voss


This spring's theater workshop featured Carlo Goldoni's classic, "The Servant of Two Masters," directed by Professor Cary Barney (Visual and Performing Arts Department).

Performed at the Colegio Mayor Elías Ahuja, the play is a lighthearted tale that follows the life of Truffaldino, a servant who doesn't realize that his two masters are secretly in love, one of whom is a woman disguised as a man, which furthers the humorous plot.

Students on the stage

Students bring "The Servant of Two Masters" to life. Photo by Cary Barney.

"This isn't a play with deep messages or important issues," Barney said. "We hope the audience had a great time and laughed their heads off. It's the best therapy." He extended his gratitude to the entire cast and crew, especially to student Makayla McIntyre. "She has given one of the most energetic, imaginative, and hilarious performances I've ever seen from a student."

"It's been 20 years since I started directing plays at SLU-Madrid," reflected Barney. "It's been a time of great, fruitful collaboration with student actors and crew. I'm very proud of the work we've done. I'm looking forward to seeing theatre at SLU-Madrid continue under new hands." Professor Barney plans to step down as faculty director this spring.