SLU-Madrid Celebrates Atlas Week
Saint Louis University — Madrid will focus on different concepts of freedom during its 12th annual Atlas Week. The event also follows the tradition of celebrating the Madrid campus' community.
The 2023 edition's theme is "Chasing the Echoes of Freedom in the 21st Century," and runs March 27-30. It focuses on how freedom has been taken, given or disrupted in recent years around the globe.
Many events will occur throughout the week, including a "Different Concepts of Freedom " roundtable, a conversation over bagels, a cultural coffee break, and a choir performance. Students are also invited to try churros at a small business that supports environmental and social causes.
On Tuesday, March 28, SLU-Madrid faculty, staff and students will participate in the campus' most well-known event: the Atlas Week International Party. The community will represent their respective countries and regions by bringing home-cooked treats and wearing traditional dress.
The main goal of Atlas Week is to raise awareness around global issues and address them in a Jesuit context. The University's mission is to prepare its students to become engaged members of the communities in which they live upon graduation.
Schedule of Events
Monday, March 27
11 a.m., Cultural Coffee Break: Freedom in Cultural Diversity, SIH Patio and Covered
3 p.m., Unconscious Bias Workshop, SIH Auditorium
Tuesday, March 28
11 a.m., Atlas Week Roundtable Discussion: "Different Concepts of Freedom," SIH Auditorium
Noon, Atlas Week Bagel Break, SIH Student Lounge
7 p.m., Atlas Week International Party, SIH Cafeteria and Patio
Wednesday, March 29
11 a.m., Cultural Coffee Break, SIH Patio and Covered Terrace
3 p.m., Atlas Week Choir Performance, SIH Student Lounge
5 p.m., Atlas Week Chirusa Experimental, C/ Castelló, 5
Thursday, March 30
3:30 p.m., Human Rights Roundtable: "The Fight for Freedom in the 21st Century," PRH A106