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Medicine, M.D.

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Medical school can be a stressful and dispiriting experience, but it doesn’t have to be. At Saint Louis University, we’ve made a number of changes to the curriculum that are consistent with the Jesuit tradition of educating the whole person — mind, body, heart, and spirit — including:

  • Changing from a tiered grading system to pass/fail grading in the first two years.
  • Instituting longitudinal electives that span the first two years. On average, one full day every two weeks is set aside for electives.
  • Developing learning communities in service and advocacy, research, global health, wellness, and medical education.
  • Instituting a required resilience and mindfulness curriculum for first-year students.
  • Expanding extracurricular events to promote wellness.
  • These curricular changes have resulted in the substantially improved mental health of our students.

Curriculum Overview

Saint Louis University’s medical school faculty teach both the science and the art of medicine. Every aspect of the curriculum encourages independent inquiry while introducing students to an array of skills necessary for a lifetime of critical evaluation and learning.

Throughout the four years, students will explore the basic and clinical sciences through small group activities, computer-based instruction, and case-based tutorials. The Clinical Skills Center lets students interact with trained standardized patients and in the Simulation Center students practice selected clinical procedures on simulated models and mannequins before participating in the care of actual patients.  

During third- and fourth-year clinical rotations, students will continue to develop diagnostic and treatment competencies in a variety of supervised inpatient and outpatient settings.


The School of Medicine graduates are well-prepared to practice medicine in a variety of settings. According to the Bureau of Labor, the median annual salary for physicians and surgeons in 2023 was $239,200.

Admission Requirements

Specific academic requirements include a minimum of 90 semester credits (135 quarter credits) in undergraduate arts and sciences courses. Virtually all accepted applicants complete a baccalaureate degree of at least 120 semester credits (180 quarter credits) from an accredited college or university. In all cases, the committee on admissions is more concerned with the quality of the applicant's education than with the number of credits or years of pre-medical training. Students who have received their education at a foreign school must complete at least one academic year of science course work in an accredited North American college or university prior to making an application

Course requirements include (credits in parentheses):

  • General Biology or Zoology (8)
  •  Inorganic Chemistry (8)
  •  Organic Chemistry (8)
  •  Physics (8)
  •  English (6)
  •  Other Humanities and Behavioral Sciences (12)

A laboratory course is required in these sciences.

Apart from academic characteristics, the School of Medicine recognizes a responsibility to consider applicants as individuals, particularly in the evaluation of the breadth of their educational experience, their personality traits, maturity level, and appropriate motivation and commitment to a career in medicine.

Transfer Students

Saint Louis University School of Medicine accepts applications for transfer with advanced standing into the third year only from students currently enrolled and in good standing in allopathic medical schools located in the United States and accredited by the LCME. Applications from students enrolled in foreign medical schools will not be accepted.

The School of Medicine does not reserve any places for transfer students, and the number of places that become available through attrition is normally small. Preference will be given to applicants faced with extreme personal hardship necessitating transfer to the St. Louis area and to applicants whose spouses must relocate to this area.

The deadline for application with advanced standing is March 1. Applications must be supported by a letter from the student's present dean.

Personal interviews are required for all candidates. Applicants must perform well on Step 1 of the U.S. Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE). Applications from students who have failed coursework or have been terminated for any reason at another medical school will not be considered.

To be considered for admission at the Saint Louis University School of Medicine an application must include the following:

Application Requirements

Saint Louis University is one of many medical schools participating in the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS), and students will complete an application there. The application will become available in the spring. The deadline for submission of materials to AMCAS is Nov. 15. 


All applicants to the Saint Louis University School of Medicine must take the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) and submit the results of this test to the committee on admissions. The test must be completed by September 2024. The committee does not consider MCAT scores prior to January 2021.

The AAMC PREview Exam is also required for all applicants for full review and consideration. Any PREview score received will be sufficient for the 2024 cycle.

Application Fee

A service fee of $100 is charged to all applicants. An American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS) fee waiver may be available.

Letters of Recommendation

Letters of recommendation in support of your application are required for a complete application. If your school has a pre-medical advisory committee, a letter from the committee is sufficient, and you also have the option to supplement your committee letter with two additional letters of your choosing. If your school does not have a committee, please request three letters of recommendation. At least one of these letters should be from a college or university science professor. The two additional letters are your choice and may be from an individual that you worked with (research mentor, shadowed physician, service organizer, etc.) who may also speak to your strengths. An insightful and in-depth evaluation by someone who knows you is of greater value than a recapitulation of your academic work. While not required, the Admissions Committee greatly appreciates seeing a letter from a clinical or service experience that was longitudinal and meaningful to you.


Applicants are carefully selected for a virtual interview with a member of the committee. The interview itinerary includes a presentation by the Dean of Admissions, a virtual tour of the campus and a student panel.

Application Deadlines

All required materials required for the committee on admissions should be submitted as early as possible.

  • AMCAS deadline for submission: Nov. 15, 2024.
  • Saint Louis University Supplemental Application deadline: Dec. 15, 2024.
  • Decision deadline for applicants holding multiple acceptances: April 30, 2025.

Review Process

Communications of admission decisions will be sent via email. Every effort is made to be sure each applicant receives notification by April 30, 2025, whether that decision is accepted, not accepted, or placement on the alternate list.


Saint Louis University encourages good communication. Please include your name as appears on your application and your AMCAS ID number in your correspondence. We encourage the use of email. 

Saint Louis University School of Medicine
Office of Admissions
1402 S. Grand Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63104
Phone: 314-977-9870
Fax: 314-977-9825


Tuition Cost Per Year
Doctor of Medicine $68,120
Resource Fee (Med Year 1) $1,164
Resource Fee (Med Year 2, Med Year 3) $276
Resource Fee (Med Year 4) $42
Research Fee $76
Service Fee (Med Year 1,Med Year 2) $140
Service Fee (Med Year 3,Med Year 4) $40

Additional charges may apply. Other resources are listed below:

Net Price Calculator

Information on Tuition and Fees

Miscellaneous Fees

Information on Summer Tuition

Scholarships and Financial Aid

For priority consideration for graduate assistantship, apply by Feb. 1.

For more information, visit the Office of Student Financial Services.


The Saint Louis University School of Medicine is fully accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME), the accrediting body for medical education in the United States.  You may verify the status by contacting the LCME secretariats at or reviewing the current status at

  • Graduates will be able to gather pertinent information about patients and their conditions through comprehensive history-taking, physical examination, and interpretation of diagnostic tests.
  • Graduates will be able to use critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills to develop a prioritized differential diagnosis and determine level of acuity.
  • Graduates will be able to provide patient and family-centered care to all individuals regardless of setting and/or health care system. 
  • Graduates will be able to perform general procedures of a physician.
  • Graduates will be able to demonstrate knowledge of established and evolving biomedical, clinical, epidemiological, and social-behavioral sciences, as well as the application of this knowledge to patient care.
  • Graduates will be able to demonstrate knowledge of how social determinants of health influence patient care and health care outcomes both for the general population as well as vulnerable populations. 
  • Graduates will be able to demonstrate knowledge of clinical and translational research through critique of experimental design, ethical considerations, data, and statistical analysis.
  • Graduates will be able to identify strengths and limitations in one’s knowledge, skills, and attitudes, and develop a plan to address deficiencies seeking assistance when needed.
  • Graduates will be able to apply evidence from scientific studies to patient care.
  • Graduates will be able to formulate an accurate, focused, and context-specific oral summary and documentation of a clinical encounter.
  • Graduates will be able to communicate effectively, respectfully, and compassionately with all patients, families, and healthcare team members.
  • Graduates will be able to show integrity and accountability to patients, society, and the profession of medicine.
  • Graduates will be able to demonstrate respect for patient privacy including privacy, confidentiality, autonomy, culture, shared decision-making, and informed consent.
  • Graduates will be able to incorporate considerations of population health, patient experience, and cost. 
  • Graduates will be able to facilitate and support the coordination of patient care within the context of (an) interprofessional health care system
  • Graduates will be able to identify systems failures and contribute to a culture of safety and improvement.
  • Graduates will be able to demonstrate knowledge of team members’ roles and responsibilities, and how members individually and collectively address the healthcare needs of patients and populations.
  • Graduates will be able to work effectively and respectfully with all team members and coworkers in the health care setting.
  • Graduates will be able to use self-reflection to regulate personal and professional behavior and seek assistance when needed.
  • Graduates will be able to utilize resources (personal, professional and institutional) that provide support and direction for a positive, rewarding, and sustained career in medicine.
Plan of Study Grid
Year OneCredits
EPI 0100 Epidemiology and Biostatistics 3
HCE 0101 Foundations in Health Care Ethics 1
MD 0100 Professional and Personal Development I 1
MIM 0100 Introduction to Medical Information Management 1
MED 0100 Molecular Foundations in Medicine 3
MED 0101 Clinical Interviewing 3
MED 0102 Clinical Diagnosis 15
MED 0103 Leadership in the Business of Medicine 2
MED 0104 Medicine & Society 1
MED 0105 Fundamentals of Patient Safety 1
MED 0110 Normal Structure and Function: Musculoskeletal 7
MED 0120 Normal Structure and Function: Thorax & Head 6
MED 0130 Normal Structure and Function: Abdomen & Pelvis 3
MED 0140 Introduction to Pathology 3
MED 0150 Principles of Immunology, Pharmacology, and Therapeutics 6
MED 0160 Brain & Behavior 5
MED 0170 Cardiovascular System 4
MED 0200 Hematology 3
MED 0210 Respiratory System 4
RMED 0101 Bench to Bedside 1
M1s take either two 6 wk electives or one 12-wk elective 6
Year Two
HCE 0201 Clinical Reasoning in Health Care Ethics 2
MD 0202 Professional and Personal Development II 1
MED 0202 Clinical Diagnosis 3
MED 0203 Leadership in the Business of Medicine 3
MED 0204 Medicine & Society 1
MED 0205 Fundamentals of Quality Improvement 1
MED 0220 Renal Urinary System 4
MED 0230 Gastrointestinal System 4
MED 0240 Endocrine and Reproductive System 4
MED 0250 Skin, Bone and Joint Module 4
RMED 0201 Bench to Bedside II 1
M2s are required to take and pass Step 1  
Year Three
FCM 0301 Family Medicine Clerkship 6
IM 0301 Internal Medicine Clerkship 8
N 0301 Neurology Clerkship 4
OB 0301 Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Women's Health Clerkship 6
PED 0301 Pediatric Clerkship 6
PS 0301 Psychiatry Clerkship 4
S 0301 Surgery Clerkship 8
Career Exploration - two 2 week selectives 4
MD 0303 Professional and Personal Development III 1
MIM 0301 Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) Information Skills for Clerkships 1
Year Four
IM 0451 Required Ambulatory Medicine 4
EM 0410 Emergency Medicine 4
Acting Internship - choice of one 4 week AI 4
Intramural/Extramural Electives 36
CAP 0400 Required Capstone 2
 Total Credits205
For additional admission questions please contact,
Office of Admissions

School of Medicine
1402 S. Grand Blvd., C130
St. Louis, MO 63104

Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
