Newslink Unveils Redesigned Look to Kick Off Spring Semester
Newslink has a new look.
For the last few months, the University’s divisions of Marketing and Communications and Information Technology Services have been working on a redesign of Newslink. With the start of the new semester, it’s time time to unveil the new look newsletter.
Today’s edition is the first version of Newslink under the new design, its first update since 2015. The content is the same, but the goal is to provide a cleaner, fresher look that improves the user experience. For the first time, Newslink will have a responsive design to look just as good on mobile as it does on desktop — no more having to zoom in when viewing Newslink on a cell phone.
Here’s what’s new, starting at the top.
Beneath the redesigned banner is the new menu. Those links will take users to the individual sections in Newslink — no more scrolling if for readers to get to a certain section. If a reader wants to skip ahead to SLU in the News, they can simply click the SLU in the News menu link and be taken to that section.
The new Newslink put an emphasis on the University’s color palette. The blue banners aren’t just any shade of blue; they are SLU Blue. The lighter shade of blue is called Fountain Blue, after the colors used in the Dolphin Pond and other fountains found across campus. The orange boxes are Oriflamme Orange.
The bottom of Newslink also has been updated. From there, readers will find links to submit content but also links to SLU’s official social media accounts.
Newslink still will hit email inboxes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings during the academic year. As it has in the past, Newslink will be filled with stories from the Marcom team, submissions from readers, events, and SLU in the News.
All faculty, staff and students of Saint Louis University are invited to submit items for consideration to run in Newslink. A Google form can be found online. The form is open to all SLU users. To access the form, SLU users must be logged into their Google suite. The submission guidelines also can be found online.
Users can submit events to the calendar by filling out the submission form. After submitting an event, user will receive a confirmation email and the event will be live on the University calendar.
Anyone with questions can contact the Newslink editor at