Student Classification System
Students register in Courses@SLU according to their classification in the semester in which they are registering (not the semester for which they are registering). Students are classified each semester by their program of study (full-time, part-time, dual degree) and the years they have been attending law school.
Students may find their classification under “Student Information” in Banner Self-Service. Students with questions about their classification should contact the Law School Registrar’s Office. Below are the classifications and the priority assignments for each semester’s registration.
Priority Registration for the upcoming Fall Semester:
Seminar Priority: L2, T2, D3, P3, Y3
Part-Time/Evening Priority: P1, P2, P3
2L Priority: L1, D2, Y1, Y2
3L Priority: L2, T2, D3, Y3
Priority Registration for the upcoming Spring Semester:
Seminar Priority: L3, P4, T3, D4, Y4, LM
Part-Time/Evening Priority: P2, P3, P4
2L Priority: L2, D2, D3, T2, Y2, Y3
3L Priority: L3, T3, D4, Y4, LM, LV
P1 (Part-time First Year Law)
P2 (Part-time Second Year Law)
P3 (Part-time Third Year Law)
P4 (Part-time Fourth Year Law)
Y1 (Part-Time Day First Year Law)
Y2 (Part-Time Day Second Year Law)
Y3 (Part-Time Day Third Year Law)
Y4 (Part-Time Day Fourth Year Law)
L1 (First Year Law)
L2 (Second Year Law)
L3 (Third Year Law)
D2 (Second Year Dual Degree)
D3 (Third Year Dual Degree)
T2 (Second Year Transfer Student)
T3 (Third Year Transfer Student)
D4 (Fourth Year Dual Degree)
LM (LLM Student)
LV (Visiting Student)
FT (Dual Degree MBA – while taking full year of MBA courses)