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Wait List Information

Wait list slots for priority-specific classes will be available during Part-Time Evening Priority Registration, 2L Priority Registration and 3L Priority Registration. Wait list slots will not be available during Seminar Registration. Wait list slots for full seminars will be available during Part-Time Evening Priority Registration, 3L Priority Registration and Open Registration.

When you add courses to your cart in Courses@SLU, you must select "Yes" to the drop-down option "Add To Waitlist If Course Is Full." This will automatically add you to the waitlist during registration for a course if it is full. 

If a seat in the class becomes available, Banner will send an email to your SLU email account informing you of this available seat. You will have 24 hours from the time the email was sent to enroll in the course. If you ignore the notification or do not enroll in the course within the 24 hour time frame, you will lose your spot on the wait list and an email will be sent to the next person on the wait list who will have the opportunity to enroll in the course.

You can see what number you are on the wait list by viewing the course in your cart on Courses@SLU.

Please do not contact individual professors to try to enroll in a class that is full. Professors do not have the ability to place students in full classes or on the wait list, as the only way to enroll in a full class is through the wait list process in Banner.