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Who is My Advisor?

Saint Louis University assigns all students a primary academic advisor. Additionally, SLU-Madrid assigns all students a faculty mentor based on their chosen major and/or minor.

Academic advisors and mentors are important resources for you while you study at SLU-Madrid. You should work closely with them to develop your schedule each semester, to plan for the upcoming semesters, and for general advice on your academic path.

How do I know whether to direct my question to my academic advisor vs. faculty mentor?

Topics to discuss with academic advisor:

  • Concerns about grades/academic success
  • Overview of degree requirements and curriculum planning
  • Core requirements
  • Registration advice for upcoming semester
  • Transition from high school to college
  • Help finding the right campus office (tutoring, financial aid, counseling, etc.)
  • University policies and procedures
  • Changing major or minor

Topics to discuss with faculty mentor:

  • Course requirements for your major/minor/program
  • Course recommendations based on your goals
  • Registration advice for upcoming semester
  • Help with a class/content within your major/minor
  • Best time to study abroad
  • Research within your field
  • Internships within your field
  • Career or graduate school plans

Permanent Students

Amanda Nodorft is the academic advisor for students in the following areas:

  • Art history
  • English, modern languages and Spanish
  • Health sciences, nursing and public health
  • Humanities (history, philosophy, theology)
  • Natural sciences (biology, chemistry, environmental studies, physics)
  • Social sciences (communication, political science, psychology)

Contact her at

Jessica Alcorn is the academic advisor for students in the following areas:

  • Business and economics
  • Computer science
  • Engineering

Conctact her at

Students with More Than 59 Hours Who Started Prior to Fall 2024

Juniors and seniors who started their degrees before Fall 2024 should work with Jaime Ortiz. Contact him at

Visiting Students

Sam Manka is the designated academic advisor for visiting-student support. Contact him at Students studying abroad at SLU-Madrid should also maintain close contact with their home university advisor, especially when choosing and changing classes. SLU-Madrid advising does not validate registration changes — it is each student's responsibility to confirm any changes to their schedules with their home university.

Faculty Mentors

Additionally, students are assigned a faculty mentor from within their area of study:

Humanities and Social Sciences
Business and Economics
Science and Engineering