Department of Spanish
The Department of Spanish at SLU-Madrid offers a perfect setting for its Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees in Spanish.
Saint Louis University-Madrid offers courses in Spanish at all levels, from intensive introductory courses to those that fulfill the requirements for graduate degrees. Students may complete the Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees in Spanish at the Madrid campus.
At SLU-Madrid, our faculty members hold degrees from leading Spanish and American universities and provide a wealth of knowledge and research across a diverse range of literary movements in Spain and Latin America, as well as in applied linguistics.
Our undergraduate program focuses on advanced language training, culture and literary studies. Because of the need to compete successfully in our increasingly global environment, a double major or a minor in Spanish is a popular choice for students considering careers in law, science, political science, international business, economics, history or education.
Our graduate program offers a holistic approach to studying the Spanish language, culture and literature. At the same time, the diverse curriculum includes courses in Peninsular and Latin American literature, Afro-Hispanic literature, film, art, women writers, testimony, linguistics, applied linguistics and teaching methodologies. The curriculum is designed to provide students with a solid, up-to-date background in Spanish studies and perspective within specific areas of interest.
The master's program is suited to those planning or already engaged in professional careers such as teaching or international affairs. Many M.A. in Spanish graduates also pursue studies beyond the M.A. degree in Spanish or a related field.
At both the undergraduate and graduate levels, academic trips to places throughout Spain are incorporated into the curriculum of various classes to enhance the classroom experience. Students practice their Spanish conversation skills in local markets and visit sites such as the Biblioteca Nacional, the Real Academia Española, museums and historical monuments.
The department and Office of Student Life plan activities that integrate students into Spanish society. SLU-Madrid hosts events and conferences with guest authors presenting their literary works, critics and literary experts commenting on current social movements, and journalists and government representatives participating in panel discussions to address trends and issues in Spain.
Degree Programs
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish
- Minor in Spanish
- Microcredential in intermediate Spanish
- Master of Arts in Spanish
- Aitor Bikandi-Mejias, Ph.D., program director
- María Victoria Albornoz Vásquez, Ph.D.
- Verónica Azcue Castillón, Ph.D.
- Luisa Briones Manzano, Ph.D.
- Rafael Cabañas Alamán, Ph.D.
- María Ángeles Encinar Félix, Ph.D.
- Julio Lasarte Fernández, M.A.
- Cristina Matute Martínez, Ph.D.
- Rafael Reig, Ph.D.
- Araceli San Martín Moreno
- Diana Velázquez, Ph.D.
- Maria Willstedt, Ph.D.
Simposio Anual (Annual Symposium)
Cada año, los alumnos del programa de Máster en Filología Hispánica organizan un simposio con ponentes de Saint Louis University y de otras universidades de reconocido prestigio.
Every year, the students of the Master of Arts in Spanish program organize a symposium with speakers from Saint Louis University and other prestigious universities.
- Actas electrónicas: XIII Simposio de Español - 2024 (PDF)
- Actas electrónicas: XII Simposio de Español - 2023 (PDF)
- Actas electrónicas: XI Simposio de Español - 2022 (PDF)
- Actas electrónicas: X Simposio de Español - 2021 (PDF)
- Actas electrónicas: IX Simposio de Español - 2019 (PDF)
- Actas electrónicas: VIII Simposio de Español - 2018 (PDF)
- Actas electrónicas: VII Simposio de Español - 2017 (PDF)
- Actas electrónicas: VI Simposio de Español - 2016 (PDF)
- Actas electrónicas: V Simposio de Español - 2015 (PDF)
- Actas electrónicas: II y III Simposio de Español - 2011, 2012 (PDF)
El primer seminario de estudiantes graduados de SLU-Madrid se celebró en noviembre de 2010 para dar a los alumnos la oportunidad de presentar sus trabajos académicos e intercambiar ideas con profesores, colegas y público en general. Cada año se invita a un escritor/a para dar una conferencia y tener un coloquio con los asistentes.
Concurso de Escritura Creativa Ignacio de Loyola
Cuento - Poesía - Microrrelato
El Premio del XIV Concurso de Escritura Creativa en Español 2024 ha sido para Ana Patricia Romay Febres por su poema "Venezuela".
Spanish Language Center
El centro de español, situado en el aula 12 del primer piso del edificio Padre Rubio (PRH 12), ofrece tutorías en gramática, vocabulario y práctica de conversación. Los tutores pueden ayudar con tareas específicas o en temas generales.
The Spanish Language Center, located in room 12 on the top floor of Padre Rubio Hall (PRH 12), offers tutoring in grammar, vocabulary, and conversation. Spanish tutors can help with specific class assignments or with general learning techniques.