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The Spanish Department Celebrates its Tenth Annual Research Symposium

by Katie Gortz on 04/30/2021


The SLU-Madrid Spanish Department's annual symposium testifies to a strong commitment to excellence in teaching and research. Graduate and undergraduate students presented their original research at this year's event, organized by professor Aitor Bikandi-Mejias, Ph.D.

The subjects varied widely, ranging from Latin American narrative to linguistic analysis. Spanish department faculty served as moderators, facilitating each session's discussions. Participating from SLU-Madrid were undergraduate students Julia Valgenti, whose presentation was entitled "La lucha contra la condición femenina en La Enredadera," and Madeline Sañudo, who presented "La búsqueda mítica de la identidad en El mismo mar de todos los veranos." M.A. in Spanish student Carla Aparicio Gallardo presented "La batalla por una definición propia: Interacción entre lo interior y lo exterior en La vida sumergida, de Pilar Adón."

In addition to the SLU-Madrid participants, students presented from universities across Spain, including Universidad de Salamanca, Universidad de Zaragoza, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad de León, and Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, as well as universities abroad such as Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia), Universidad de Chile, Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga (Colombia), Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Peru) and the University of Ottawa (Canada). The full program of events is available here.

The day of intellectual exchange culminated in a closing plenary session, featuring Spanish writer Rafael Reig, whose address was entitled, "Leer para poder escibir."

Find out more about SLU-Madrid's Spanish Department and the Master of Spanish program.